Are you interested in partnering with Patricia to improve your school-home communication but don’t quite know where to begin to look for funding?
Start by reaching out to your family engagement leaders and sharing some of Patricia’s work. Chances are, they’ll have an idea on where to find funding.
Here are some specific educational funding sources that you could use to bring her to your district or school and send some of your staff to her amazing Masterclasses:
- Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief Funding (ESSER).
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA).
- Title I, Part A-Improving Basic Programs Operated By LEAs
- Title II-Part A-Professional Learning
- Title III-Part A-English Language Learners
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Special Education) (IDEA)
- USDOE Promise Neighborhood Program
- USDOE Full Service Community School Program Grants.
- USDOE 21st Century Community Learning Center
- USDOE School Improvement Grants
- McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act Grant
Along with these, many early childhood education and college, career, and workforce development grants fund family communication and engagement requirements. You can also check with your local United Way and other community-based foundations and grant making organizations.
Here are some other tips:
- Start by looking at the grants you have that include guidelines and requirements around family engagement in education.
- Check out the funding that your school or district uses for professional development.
- Ask your partners if they have funding. Many times, the programs they bring into your schools include family engagement components.
- Pool resources from a couple of different sources.
- Write Patricia’s work into your next grant request.
Do you need help writing Patricia into a grant? Just reach out and she can talk you through it.