You’ve no doubt seen the headlines…
Teachers are leaving the profession like flocks of birds headed toward Spring sunshine.
It’s not going to get better in the years ahead.
According to a recent Ed Week Research Center poll, 44 percent of the teachers surveyed said they’re very likely or fairly likely to leave teaching in the next two years.
Folks, we can sit around and hand-wring about it all we want. But, in my opinion, one of the answers to the teacher shortage is simple and right in front of our faces.
We need to partner with families.
Here’s why:
- Teachers who partner with families have higher job satisfaction.*
- Teachers who partner with families have a higher level of optimism about their jobs.*
- Teachers who partner with families find they have students who have fewer behavioral issues and better social skills, and that can make the day-to-day work of teaching easier.*
- Teachers who partner with families even report they have a lighter workload.**
And that’s where school-home communication comes in.
If we can give teachers the skills they need to use their words to build relationships with families, they will feel more understood, more heard, and more supported. And, if they do, hopefully, they’ll stay!
But providing communication training for teachers and education support professionals also has a side benefit. It can help them communicate better with district leadership and with each other, so when they have one of those moments or one of those days, they can express how they feel to people who know how to listen.
In the months ahead, as you’re brainstorming how to hold onto your staff, or planning your PD, consider providing communication training.
And, if you want to talk about what that might look like for you and your district, reach out to me. I’m happy to demonstrate my communication skills by talking you through it.
Now booking professional development for the 2023-24 school year.